



Space in Time

The strength of Hsuyuan Kuo and Effie Huang’s creativity needs to be understood in context. Architecture is never a pure creation or realization of concepts that can be totally controlled by the architect. It is more about the accidental interventions. Choices made by clients always present major challenges in projects. The completion of any project is only possible through having dialogues with the client and collaboration with project team members. In the end, architecture is the result of a joint effort of client, design team and the occupants. It is an event full of contingencies and space continually changes over time.
Kuo and Huang confront with the contingencies of architecture directly, willingly taking up the challenge of doing real estate projects that most architects resist. They took this as an opportunity, a journey to explore personal concepts and accidental interventions. With more than 300 proposals in 25 years, they tried alchemy out of the mediocrity produced by the large capital flows in the market. They questioned themselves on what to design and how to be socially responsible. During this perplexing and uncertain process, Qing-Tian Residence, Mu-Cha Residence, The Great Shine, The Folio Hotel, the Keelung Taiping Elementary School, and the NTUA Center for Art and Technology were developed, representing the different phases of their work.