


Interior and Exterior

When one breaks away from formal constraints and thinks in terms of perception, it is easy to understand that interior and exterior are relative to each other; they are two aspects of a whole. Architecture serves to cultivate our ability to imagine and empathize. The separation from conflicting interior and exterior reflects a rigid relationship between the self and the world. As a result, our physical perceptions are suppressed, and imaginations become passive.
Kuo and Huang explore people’s subjective perceptions both from inside out and outside in. They attempt to awake the intrinsic kindness of human beings and allow life to become a medium for various encounters to take place in. Depending on the distant or intimate associations among people, these interior-to-exterior and exterior-to-interior relationships produce spatial hierarchies and sequences, and shape different levels of public and private domains. Since these territories are hierarchical, spaces cannot be defined as purely interior or exterior, nor strictly public or private. When subtle ambiguity is present between interior and exterior, the uncertainty created enables the separation and polarization between subject and object to disappear temporarily, encouraging more emotional exchanges among people.