




People are always moving in space, and by imparting intention and imagination to this motion, we create ‘pathways.’ Pathways are related to the experience of bodies in space and our sense of belonging within architecture. Pathways factor into the life or death of architecture itself! Le Corbusier once said, “Architectural works can be divided into dead and living ones depending on whether the law of ‘roaming through’ has not been observed or it has been obeyed.” Kuo and Huang’s understanding of pathways in architecture comes primarily from their experiences with gardens and travels. The planning of a path may be completely free and graphic, but the experience in space is a physical phenomenon. People’s movements take place in time. With time, there will be sequences which then create essence for architecture. The four seasons – spring, autumn and winter – as well as day and night, morning and evening, all have their unique lights, shadows and breezes. In every moment, time and sequence evoke our perceptions and experiences of space.